Our Brain – Revealing the Secret Life of Memories

Prof. Flavio Donato

The ability to create memories that can be remembered long after events unfold is crucial for our survival and might be at the basis of who we are as individuals. It is therefore surprising that something so powerful is still so mysterious. How are memories formed? Where do memories go when we don’t remember them? How do memories change with time? Learn how the brain creates memories that persist for a lifetime or are rapidly forgotten and how they shape the way we look at the world around us.

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Biozentrums laden alle Interessierten ein, Aktuelles aus ihrer Forschung zu erfahren. Die öffentliche Vortragsreihe entführt die Besucher in die Welt der Muskeln, Nerven, Zellen und Gene.

Maurice E. Müller Saal. Eintritt frei, keine Anmeldung.


26. Sep. 2023




Spitalstrasse 41, Basel


Biozentrum der Universität Basel
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