AI Night, Powered by PechaKucha

On the occasion of the exhibition Entangled Realities: Living with Artificial Intelligence Hek – in cooperation with the ArtTech Foundation – presents a PechaKucha AI Night with speakers from the Swiss AI scene. They will present their projects in short lectures of 6:40 minutes each.

Admission: free
Registration: Please make a reservation free of charge via the link


4pm Arrival and short introduction to the exhibition
5pm PechaKucha – first round with seven speakers
6pm Break – networking
6.30pm PechaKucha – second round with seven speakers
7.30 Apéro – networking
9pm Party with DJ


Block 1 – Students and Art Schools

Luca Sassoli de Bianchi (ÉCAL): AI in desktop performances
Iyo Bisseck (ÉCAL): AI in human detecting machines
Mathilde Buenerd (HEAD): AI in sentiment analysis
Daniel Nikles (HgK): AI in artistic education
Marta Revuealta (HEAD): AI in facial profiling systems
Laura Couto Rosado (HEAD): AI in interactive lamps
Andres Wanner (HSLU): AI in language assistants

Block 2 – Industry and Research

Carlo Sferrazza (ETHZ): AI in robotics for tactile skins
Classeek (Catarina Amon): AI in market data and custom analytics for music professionals
Kirell Benzi: AI in data visualisation
LargoFilm (Sami Arpa): AI in data-assisted movie-making
NoMadMusic (Hannelore Guittet): AI in music learning applications
Nicolas Mériel and Florian Dohmann: AI in curated training sets of flowers.
Ludens (Nathan Ballesteros): AI in video games distribution platform


Prior to the PechaKucha AI Night iart offers a workshop. It’s aimed at participants who are interested in designing with the help of artificial intelligence and who would like to experiment themselves. More information can be found here:

PechaKucha describes a presentation technique originating in Japan. During short lectures with twenty images and twenty seconds of speaking time per image, experts present their projects. Within the framework of this entertaining format, a variety of participants from the fields of the arts, research and science will talk about their work and research results in the field of artificial intelligence.

The exhibition Entangled Realities is dedicated to the current topic of artificial intelligence (AI) and its effects on society. A specific focus lies on human interaction with intelligent algorithmic systems and the resulting new intertwined realities. The world we live in is increasingly influenced and shaped by AI, we share our lives with “intelligent” objects and systems and in various areas we are already handing over certain decisions to machines. It is crucial to consciously shape this new coexistence between man and machine.

The PechaKucha AI Night is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people, exchange ideas and get inspired. The various speakers and the visitors offer a comprehensive insight into the topic of AI. The event presents current research conducted by universities and within the creative industries. Following the short presentations, visitors are invited to drinks and snacks.

Together with HeK, the ArtTech Foundation invites to the PechaKucha AI Night. The ArtTech Foundation is committed to breaking down barriers between museums, start-ups, artists and academics. Start-up companies from the creative industries and a group of master students from Swiss universities are invited to present their research projects and demonstrate the use of intelligent technologies in a creative context: in the visual arts, in design or in music.


24. Mai 2019


16:00 - 21:00


HeK Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel
Freilager-Platz 9, Münchenstein


HeK Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel
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